Massachusetts State Representatives Micheal Day, Katherine Lipper-Garbedian & Senator Jason Lewis Visit Boys & Girls Club of Metro North Celebrating their Support of the Clubs Initiatives

On Thursday January 16th, the Boys & Girls Club of Metro North hosted Representative Micheal Day, Representative Katherine Lipper-Garbedian, and Senator Jason Lewis at their Stoneham Clubhouse to thank them for their continued support of the clubs. The visit consisted of a tour around the facility, a check presentation, coffee and muffins from INspire Cafe and a parting gift. 

While touring the facility they learned about a number of different programs the club offers including art, STEM, athletics and more. They were able to get a closer look at where their state aid is being utilized in the club and the impact they have had on this community. 

Chief Development Officer Anthony Guardia said,  “Our Boys & Girls Club of Metro North is fortunate to have partners on Beacon Hill that understand every government grant invested in ours Clubs is just that, an investment. The University of Michigan’s School of Public Health found that for every dollar donated to our Clubs the return on investment is $9.60. This is through cost-savings in the communities we serve and future earnings. Together, investment by government, investment by private foundations, and investment by the public, we have created a social safety net that has helped thousands and will hopefully last generations.”

The Representatives have supported the clubs through an array of different state grants. Each of these grants supports different initiatives at the clubs. These grants compiled together totaled $811,30. The Boys and Girls Club express their gratitude for their State Representatives providing them with this financial support to better their clubs and community.

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